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[18:10 WIB] 12/01/2025


Example HTML Table

Row 1, cell 1 Row 1, cell 2

Each table starts with a table tag. Each table row starts with a tr tag. Each table data starts with a td tag.

One column:


One row and three columns:

100 200 300

Two rows and three columns:

100 200 300
400 500 600

Example HTML Table Border

With a normal border:

First Row
Second Row

With a thick border:

First Row
Second Row

With a very thick border:

First Row
Second Row

Example HTML Border Style


Example HTML Table Without Border

This table has no borders:

100 200 300
400 500 600

And this table has no borders:

100 200 300
400 500 600

Example HTML Table Header

Table headers:

Name Telephone Telephone
Bill Gates 555 77 854 555 77 855

Vertical headers:

First Name: Bill Gates
Telephone: 555 77 854
Telephone: 555 77 855

Example HTML Table Caption

Monthly savings
Month Savings
January $100
February $50

Example HTML Cell Span

Cell that spans two columns:

Name Telephone
Bill Gates 555 77 854 555 77 855

Cell that spans two rows:

First Name: Bill Gates
Telephone: 555 77 854
555 77 855

Example HTML Tags Inside a Table

This is a paragraph

This is another paragraph

This cell contains a table:
This cell contains a list
  • apples
  • bananas
  • pineapples

Example HTML Cell Padding

Without cellpadding:

First Row
Second Row

With cellpadding:

First Row
Second Row

Example HTML Cell Spacing

Without cellspacing:

First Row
Second Row

With cellspacing:

First Row
Second Row

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Source: CNN